🏹Webhooks & Zapier Integration


Webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications about various events in your Eartho application. You can manage webhooks by adding, updating, or deleting them through the Eartho Webhooks management interface.


Webhooks Management

  • Add Webhook: Register a new webhook URL to receive event notifications.

  • Update Webhook: Modify an existing webhook URL or its settings.

  • Delete Webhook: Remove an existing webhook URL.

Webhooks List

  • Displays a list of registered webhook URLs along with their event types and actions.

  • Allows quick access to manage each webhook through actions such as edit and delete.

Webhooks Management Interface

Adding a Webhook

  1. Click on 'Add Webhook'.

  2. Enter the Webhook URL: This is the endpoint where you want to receive the event notifications.

  3. Select the Event Type: Choose the type of event for which you want to receive notifications.

  4. Save: Click the save button to register the new webhook.

Updating a Webhook

  1. Locate the Webhook: Find the webhook you want to update from the list.

  2. Click on 'Edit': Open the editing interface for the selected webhook.

  3. Modify the Details: Update the URL or event type as needed.

  4. Save: Click the save button to apply the changes.

Deleting a Webhook

  1. Locate the Webhook: Find the webhook you want to delete from the list.

  2. Click on 'Delete': Remove the selected webhook.

Webhooks List Overview

  • URL: The endpoint URL where the event notifications are sent.

  • Type: The event type associated with the webhook.

  • Actions: Options to edit or delete the webhook

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