Eartho Ideology & Concepts

Vision and Principles

At Eartho, our mission is to create a world where accessing resources is simple, secure, and efficient. Our core philosophy is about simplifying and enhancing interactions through robust solutions for authentication, authorization, and integrated payments. We strive to empower both developers and users by making complex processes intuitive and easy to manage.

After three decades of internet usage, the last thing users need is yet another registration page. The digital landscape is cluttered with platforms requiring new accounts and passwords, leading to user frustration and lower conversion rates. Eartho's solutions streamline access management, providing a unified and secure system that simplifies resource access.

Currently, businesses and developers spend approximately $20,000 per month to manage one million users. We believe that by offering a comprehensive solution that benefits both developers and users, we can create a win-win scenario. Developers gain free infrastructure, while users enjoy a seamless experience.

Core Concepts

1. Access Points: The Gateway to Boundless Opportunities

Access Points are the backbone of Eartho's access management system. They serve as entryways through which entities provide their resources, facilitating a smooth and dynamic exchange system. Picture a world where every interaction is crafted into a seamless experience, accessible through a secure gateway.

  • Access Metadata: This includes detailed information about the resource, access conditions, and other essential details.

  • Access Trust: Trust is fundamental to every interaction. This component ensures secure and reliable exchanges through verification methods like KYC and two-factor authentication, along with ratings and reviews, creating a trusted network.

  • Access Terms: These outline the conditions of exchange, whether it's for monetary transactions, data sharing, or service usage, ensuring a fair and balanced trade.

Example Use Cases:

  • Login Access Point: A secure entry to the main features of your app.

  • Premium Access Point: An exclusive gateway to premium features, enhancing user experience.

2. Spaces: Creating Unique Interactive Worlds

Spaces are the unique environments within Eartho's ecosystem where interactions take place. Each space offers a realm of possibilities, encapsulating multiple access points and providing isolated, customizable environments suited to specific needs. Spaces are where your vision materializes, offering a structured and organized layout for your resources.

  • Isolation: Each space acts as a secure container, keeping data and access points separate and protected.

  • Hierarchy: Create subspaces to build nested structures, efficiently managing resources.

  • Customization: Tailor each space with specific access points, roles, and permissions, catering to the unique needs of each project or tenant.

Example Use Cases:

  • Website Space: A dedicated area for a website, including access points for user login, content access, and admin control.

  • Document Space: A specialized space for managing and sharing documents. This space can include access points for uploading, editing, and viewing documents, as well as setting permissions for different user roles such as editors, viewers, and administrators.

  • Team Space: For team collaboration, where you can define roles, such as members and managers, and protect sensitive information with secure access controls.

3. People: The Core of Interactions

People are the users interacting with access points and spaces within Eartho's ecosystem. They are central to every engagement, taking on roles from end-users accessing resources to administrators managing permissions and access.

Bringing It All Together

Eartho's vision and core concepts create a cohesive framework for managing access and resources across various tenants and user types. This approach streamlines authentication, authorization, and payments, allowing developers to focus on delivering exceptional user experiences.

Last updated